
xdebug and eclipse pdt



1. Go tohttp://www.xdebug.org/;downloadXdebug(version 2.0.3 at the time of this writing).
2. Putphp_xdebug-2.0.3-5.2.5.dllyou just downloaded to some folder; Add the following line tophp.inifile so that PHP can load it:


Ensure you place your entries at the bottom of your php.ini file or XDebug could fail to load.

You may need to change the “zend_extension_ts” to “zend_extension” if you are using the non thread safe version of PHP or to “zend_extension_debug” if you are using the debug version. This information can be found by running phpinfo() and locate the following section:
Debug Build => no
Thread Safety => enabled

3. TestingXDebug is installed correctly byCallphpinfo()function in a page, or run this:
php -m
You should be able to see a section for XDebug if successfully installed.

Configure PDT to Use XDebug

1. Configure PHP Executables in
Windows > Preference > PHP > Debug.

2. Configure PHP Server for debugging Web Pages. (You can refer to the "Add Virtual Host" of the part 1, which configures the current project tobe a Virtual Host.)

3. Configure the default debug settings to use XDebug.

4. Next we configure the debug settings for the current project. First go to
Run > Open Debug Dialog...
5. Next we create a newPHP Scriptconfiguration.

6. Then we create a configuration for debuggingPHP Web Page.

7. Now create some test php script/pages, click on the "Debug" button to start debugging.


XDebug Guide
How To Setup a Free PHP Debugger using Eclipse PDT + XDebug
Debugging PHP applications with xdebug

Debugging PHP using Eclipse PDT + Zend Debugger / Xdebug
Debugging PHP Applications with Xdebug and Eclipse PDT
Squash bugs in PHP applications with Xdebug



    Eclipse 和 PDT , PHP 调试

    PHP 开发工具(PHP Development Tools,PDT)插件安装到 Eclipse Europa 后...PDT 支持两种调试工具:XDebug 和 Zend Debugger。通过本文了解如何配置 PDT 来调试 PHP 脚本,并了解在详细查看脚本时应使用哪些透视图。

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    此扩展对于PHP开发人员非常有用,PHP开发人员使用带有Xdebug支持的PHP工具,如PHPStorm,Eclipse with PDT,Netbeans和MacGDBp或任何其他Xdebug兼容性分析工具,如KCacheGrind,WinCacheGrind或Webgrind。

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    创建一个新报告: https : //github.com/eclipse/pdt/issues/new 在创建另一个bug之前,请确保搜索现有的bug。 请记住,永远欢迎捐款! Eclipse贡献者协议 在项目团队接受您的捐助之前,参与者必须以电子方式签署...

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    3.2.2 Eclipse (PDT) + Xdebug 3.2.3 Vim + Xdebug + DBGp 4 PHP 性能调试技术 4.1 基本时间占用监测 4.2 使用 Xdebug 进行性能分析 4.2.1 安装配置: 4.3 APD(Advanced PHP Debugger) 4.3.1 安装配置 4.3.2 使用APD...


    3.2.2 Eclipse (PDT) + Xdebug 3.2.3 Vim + Xdebug + DBGp 4 PHP 性能调试技术 4.1 基本时间占用监测 4.2 使用 Xdebug 进行性能分析 4.2.1 安装配置: 4.3 APD(Advanced PHP Debugger) 4.3.1 安装配置 4.3.2 使用APD...


    下载PHP(PDT)开发插件,http://download.eclipse.org/tools/pdt/updates/3.2-nightly。 注:你也可单独加保,解压pdt-Update-,加载updates\3.3.2\content.jar 也可以选择 Kepler - ...

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    3.2.2 Eclipse (PDT) Xdebug 3.2.3 Vim Xdebug DBGp 4 PHP 性能调试技术 4.1 基本时间占用监测 4.2 使用 Xdebug 进行性能分析 4.2.1 安装配置: 4.3 APD(Advanced PHP Debugger) 4.3.1 安装配置 4.3.2 使用...


    3.2.2 Eclipse (PDT) + Xdebug ................................................................................................................... 31 3.2.3 Vim + Xdebug + DBGp .............................

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